Dr Jonathan P Whelan
Consultant in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Consultant in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine - EMRTS Cymru
Assistant Medical Director - Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Areas of Expertise
Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine
Ambulance Service Clinical Management
Emergency Call Prioritisation & Assessment
Motorsport Medicine
Consultant in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine with >15 years experience in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM)
Trainer for Doctors working in PHEM
Examiner for the Diploma and Fellowship examinations in Immediate Medical Care (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh)
Ambulance Service Clinical Management Experience up to Trust Board level
Extensive experience of Investigations, Report/Statement Preparation, and Coroner's Court Oral Evidence
Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate (Civil)
LLM in Medical Law

Contact Me
Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you would like more details about my experience and expertise, or to discuss a case.
You can email me, or complete the form below.
Email: medicolegal@jpwhelan.co.uk
Twitter: @whelanjp